CTSC: Health Data Resources - Virtual Office Hours

Event Date

Do you have questions about Clinical Research Resources? 

Join our weekly Zoom web meeting to get them answered: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/95513002981

This week our topic is: Health Data Resources

• How do I access health data for research at UC Davis?
• How can I improve the data management plan for my project?
• Where can I find open health data sources related to my research or quality improvement topic?
• Are there technology tools available to me for my research project (e.g. data cleaning and data visualizations)?
• How do I ensure my research project meets FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles for scientific data management and stewardship?

No appointment necessary!  Zoom drop-ins welcome!
If you have questions about research data or research data management drop by to talk with your Health Library Informaticist. No registration is required.

Email questions about office hours to the CTSC Clinical Research Education Program: