The world renowned researchers and research programs at UC Davis are throwing their energy at the current worldwide crisis created by COVID-19 - and the world is paying attention. Each day, UC Davis research and experts are featured in publications locally, nationally and internationally for the progress being made in beating this pandemic and for the insight they can offer regarding the effects it is having on society.
Each week we post a round up of those stories, including UC Davis press releases and the articles inspired by them, UC Davis research featured in the news, and UC Davis experts offering insight on a wide variety of COVID-19 related topics.
Week of 6.22.20
Stories this week include: new technology to catch the coronavirus, mother to child coronavirus transmission, a decline in roadkill, and more
Week of 6.15.20
Stories this week include: Chancellor's Innovation Awards, research collaborations between UC Davis schools, and more
Week of 6.8.20
Stories this week include: more on COVID Live symposiums and a new podcast with the deans of the School of Medecine and the School of Veterinary Medicine, initiatives to intercept pandemics through genomics, and more
Week of 6.1.20
Stories this week include: announcement of upcoming COVID Live symposiums, UC Davis researchers awarded more seed grants to study COVID-19, and more
Week of 5.25.20
Stories this week include: a spotlight on the Clinical and Translational Science Center, expert opinion on testing, and expert warnings on COVID-19 and summer
Week of 5.18.20
Stories this week include: a troubling new COVID-19 syndrome in children, the development of a new contact tracing app, and more on the potential COVID-19 being tested through delivery through a patch
Week of 5.11.20
Stories this week include: a second COVID-19 public awareness symposium, a sickle cell anemia drug with potential to treat COVID-19, and a group of researchers tracking the evolution of novel coronavirus with math
Week of 5.4.20
Stories this week include: debut of new 'COVID-19 Live' series with focus on how researchers are meeting the challenge, a panel event on coronavirus impacts on the food supply chain, and more on the new traffic emissions study
Week of 4.27.20
Stories this week include: preclinical testing of a vaccine with patch delivery technology, development of a low-cost portable ventilator, and more on the effects of pandemic related traffic reduction
Week of 4.20.20
Stories this week include: more stemming from the study of link between the virus and our treatment of nature, from the study of traffic reduction resulting from the pandemic and from UC Davis Health studies
Week of 4.13.20
Stories this week include: looking to social media posts for early tracking, a study on the reduction of traffic because of the pandemic, preliminary results of the remdesivir clinical trial, and much more
Week of 4.6.20
Stories this week include: UC Davis Health joining the state in testing, a study on the link between the virus and exploiting nature, a new COVID-19 tracking application developed by UC Davis researchers, how to reduce the spread of the virus in built environments, and much more
Week of 3.30.20
Stories this week include: UC Davis engineers responding to COVID-19 challenges, establishment of the UC Davis COVID-19 Research Working Group, the launch of two clinical studies to treat COVID-19, the importance of speech in transmission of the virus, and much more