UC Davis COVID-19 Research Accelerator Funding Track Call for Proposals and Application Guidelines
Update: Funds for this program have been exhausted through the first two rounds of proposals and it is currently no longer taking proposals. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas and proposals that have been submitted!
Program Overview
In response to the unprecedented research challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, UC Davis Office of Research is launching the COVID-19 Research Accelerator Funding Track (CRAFT) which aims to provide rapid-response awards to support research activity on campus, including facilitating both intra- and extramural collaborations. Funding for CRAFT is being provided through generous support from the Provost, Office of Research, and matching support from the schools and colleges.
This call is open to all disciplines performing research on or related to COVID-19. Funds are to be used to support immediate research needs and proof of concept work, and must be expended within 9 months, preferably 6 months. Strong preference will be given to projects that:
- Present a strong scientific rationale and clearly describe deliverables and associated timelines ;
- Explicitly describe the impact of the generated research products (i.e. data sets, protocols, publications, etc.) on the larger COVID-19 research community and response efforts;
- Provide an appropriately justified budget necessary and sufficient to support the proposed work;
- Provide a clear sustainability plan ideally identifying plans to apply for follow-on extramural funding.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must have Principal Investigator (PI) status at UC Davis (collaborators do not need PI status and may be from outside entities)
- Funds will only be provided to UC Davis researchers. External collaborators are welcomed, but should preferably provide confirmation of matching cash or in-kind contributions to the project.
Award Details
Two levels of funding are available:
- Small Awards of up to $5,000. Funds may be used to support access to certain core facilities or other research infrastructure, to purchase reagents or other consumables, for payment of analytical service fees, or for other well-defined research expenditures.
- Project Awards with budgets up to $25,000 to support larger research project activity that will contribute to rapidly generating new insights and understanding of COVID19 and/or the associated impact of the pandemic. Funding may be requested to support temporary personnel costs such as assignment of research staff, postdoctoral fellows or graduate students, purchases of small pieces of equipment, consumables or other project expenses. Collaborative efforts with extramural partners are welcomed. Extramural partners are expected to make in-kind or cash contribution, clearly described within the proposal narrative and budget.
Faculty salaries, and tuition (resident and non-resident) are not eligible expenses for any of the award categories. Temporary salary contributions for postdocs, staff and graduate students are allowed.
Important Dates
April 1st, 2020 by 5:00 pm Every Wednesday thereafter until funds are exhausted | Application Deadline (applications only via UC Davis InfoReady Platform) |
April 6th , 2020 by 5:00 pm Every Monday thereafter until funds are exhausted | Decision Notifications (notifications via email from UC Davis InfoReady) |
Application Process
Applications for both programs must be submitted online at: https://ucdavis.infoready4.com/ on the UC Davis Special Projects InfoReady Review page by 5:00 pm Wednesdays (the call will remain open until funds are exhausted). Small Awards. Applicants should prepare the following materials for direct input/upload to InfoReady:
- A brief Project Narrative, not to exceed 600 words.
- Total amount of funds requested.
- Budget Description. Briefly describe expense categories and amounts requested for each.
- Provide a CV, biosketch or a link to an up-to-date online profile.
Project Awards. Applicants should prepare the following materials for direct input/upload to InfoReady:
- Abstract, not to exceed 150 words.
- Project Narrative, not to exceed 1200 words.
- Total amount of funds requested.
- Budget Description and Narrative. Briefly describe expense categories and amounts request for each.
- Biosketches or CVs for PI and all co-PIs. Upload as a single PDF document or provide links to up-to-date online profiles.
Review and Selection Process
Proposals will undergo an initial review for any errors in completion or other non-substantive issues. Proposals will then be provided to the COVID-19 RAF Review Committee (research faculty and staff). The committee will review proposals on a weekly basis. Small Award proposals will undergo a short review for feasibility and impact. Project Award proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Scientific merit. A clear and strong scientific rationale for the work.
- The work is achievable in the proposed timelines and with the requested budget support.
- The produced work has the potential to impact COVID-19 research and response efforts.
- The research products can be used as preliminary data for extramural funding, and specific extramural funding opportunities have been identified.
Proposals of clinical nature will undergo additional review to confirm IRB and other protocols and procedures are feasible or already in place. Feedback will be requested from appropriate groups such as the COVID-19 Data and Specimen Stewardship Committee. Based on ranking of proposals received and the total remaining budget available, the Funding Committee will make final funding decisions. This process will be repeated on a weekly basis until all funds are exhausted.
Post-award expectations
- Funds must be expended within 9 months, preferably within 6 months.
- A progress report must be submitted at end of the project period.
Contact information
For questions about this seed funding program, please contact:
Ana Lucia Cordova-Kreylos, Ph.D.
Strategic Initiatives Manager Interdisciplinary Research & Strategic Initiatives
Office of Research
Cell: (530) 760-9179
Office: (530) 752-4459